These Are My Programming Projects

Python 3: Fibonacci Sequence: The program will ask the user how many rows do you want Fibonacci Sequence numbers. If the user entered letters, it will crash. If the user enters a negative number, (eg. 0, -1) then it will ask for a positive number. The video is below:

Python 3: Prime Number Checker: The program will ask the user to check the number that they have entered if it is a prime number or not. If the input is letters, the program will crash. The video is below:

Python 3: Band Name Generator: This program will generate a band name for the user's band. The video is below:

Python 3: Calculator: This program will allow the user to calculate simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The video is below:

HTML: Website crasher

This link will crash Google Chrome on Desktop!

It works by adding numbers into the address bar in a loop until the browser freezes and crashes.

More projects coming soon!
